Upcoming Webinar

Menopause and Midlife Mental Health

By Fellowship Founder & Head Lecturer, Anna Glezer, MD

Wednesday, January 29th, at 4:30pm PST

By 2030, over a billion women will be postmenopausal. There is research out there on the classic vasomotor symptoms, but the majority of women report struggling with mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and mental health as their primary concerns. 

This webinar will provide an introduction to diagnosing perimenopause and utilizing a comprehensive and integrative approach with patients, including a review of hormones, psychological interventions, and lifestyle measures, with a particular focus on the psychological transitions of midlife and menopause. 

What we’ll cover:

  • Introduction to perimenopause

  • Review of the hormonal systems that explain symptoms during the menopausal transition, particularly as related to mental health challenges

  • Case based discussion of a perimenopausal patient struggling with midlife transitions and mood swings

  • Discussion of hormone therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and other integrative tools as treatment options.

  • Q&A

Webinar takes place on Wednesday, January 29th, from 4:30 - 5:30pm PST, and will feature 40 minutes of lecture and 20 minutes of Q&A. ***

To reserve your webinar spot, please submit your email:

Founder & Head Lecturer - Anna Glezer, MD

I began my experience in reproductive psychiatry at the end of my residency training at Harvard's Massachusetts General Hospital, and within my first few months as an attending psychiatrist at UCSF participated in the launch of the first OB-Psychiatry clinic. In 2017, I founded the Women's Wellness Psychiatry clinic, a practice devoted to providing comprehensive reproductive psychiatry care to women across California.

As I strove to provide well rounded care, I was drawn to integrative mental health but discovered that there is not a lot of well-known overlap between reproductive and integrative psychiatry subspecialties. Pregnancy patients continue to be the most underrepresented group in medical research, and published research on integrative treatment options are also in an early phase of growth. And, so, I decided to…(read full bio)